Groups and Activities

In addition to our worship services we offer several activities for people of all ages.

Parent and toddler groups

Coffee Pot

A friendly drop in style group that meets in the church centre on Larkhay road, next to the church. It is open to all, expect to find a warm welcome, plenty of toys and activities, a story and a song or two. Loads of fun for parents and little ones alike. Tuesdays 10-11.30am, term time only.

Teddy Bears

A fun and friendly group for parents and little ones, lots of craft, games and toys to keep everyone entertained. Space is limited so please make sure to let us know before you arrive. Friday mornings 10-11.30am at the Pineholt village hall. Term time only.

Community Garden

Our community garden is a wonderful opportunity for the community to get together and get their hands dirty. There is great joy in seeing life spring from the ground. Formally a piece of overgrown scrap land, our flourishing community garden has brought new life to this corner of Hucclecote. We are working to make it accessible and welcoming. Currently open Tuesdays and Thursdays, get in touch to find out more and how you can be involved in this exciting project.

A Group for secondary age young people. Meets once a month on a Sunday afternoon. We are a social, fun, welcoming group. We spend time chatting, playing games, praying and growing in our knowledge of who God is and what that means for us.

Core Youth Group

Messy Church

Once a month we have messy church on a Saturday. We have loads of activities for children and families and a lovely time bringing it all together in a short service. At the end we provide a picnic meal for everyone. 4 - 5.30pm in the church, every 2nd Saturday of the month. Contact us for more details